Final Approvals
For Self Assembly
Terms & Conditions
Due to the nature of the design process for personal event stationery, there may be names or places that are not familiar to VENDOR. VENDOR will provide CLIENT with a Final Proof, hereby referred to as “Final Proof”, for CLIENT to review all included design pieces for spelling errors, grammar errors, or other errors that need to be corrected. CLIENT will then provide CLIENT’s consent for moving forward with printing by signing off on the Final Proof.
Once approval for the Final Proof is received, CLIENT consents to give VENDOR full permission to print all pieces as they appear on the Final Proof. No further changes can be made and VENDOR will not be held responsible for any errors found after CLIENT grants approval. VENDOR cannot be held responsible for designs that were approved by CLIENT and then printed with an error that CLIENT did not see. Any reprinting costs will be the responsibility of CLIENT.
Wedding Invitations: In the event CLIENT needs additional pieces to be printed outside the agreed upon quantity after materials have been ordered and delivered to CLIENT, a minimum order quantity of 30 will be required, and a restocking fee of £10 will apply. VENDOR will provide invoice and include shipping costs. VENDOR is not responsible for suite assembly.
Large format: If a design error has been made and signed off via the design approval a discounted fee will be charged to the CLIENT for the cost of the large format item to cover the re-print cost – VENDOR will provide invoice.
All proofs and design elements are the intellectual property of VENDOR. Proposals, quotes, and proofs may not be shared, copied, or imitated with or by any person. Exceptions are made only for parties directly involved with CLIENT’s wedding, i.e. wedding planner, parents, significant other.
As all custom designs created by VENDOR are owned by VENDOR. VENDOR owns all copyrights in any and all work(s) created or produced pursuant to federal copyright law whether registered or unregistered. Any and all products, whether tangible or intangible, produced or created in connection with, or in the process of fulfilling this Agreement, are expressly and solely owned by VENDOR and may be used in the reasonable course of Vendor’s business. CLIENT acknowledges that VENDOR has the right to also use images, design elements, calligraphy, etc. from any portion of the work for portfolio or marketing purposes. CLIENT may request that VENDOR delay posting photos or imagery publicly until after the event date.
VENDOR represents that VENDOR owns the rights to the designs that are created for CLIENT under this Agreement, or has secured such rights to any third-party content incorporated into the final design(s); and that VENDOR’s work does not violate the patent, copyright, trade secret or other property right of any person, firm or entity.
CLIENT promises that: (a) CLIENT owns the rights to use any design elements CLIENT gives VENDOR (“CLIENT Content”); and (b) using such CLIENT Content does not violate the patent, copyright, trade secret or other property right of any person, firm or entity. CLIENT promises to grant VENDOR a nonexclusive, non-transferable license to use, reproduce, modify, display and publish CLIENT Content solely in connection with VENDOR’s work for CLIENT under this Agreement. CLIENT also affirms and represents that this Agreement does not conflict with any other contract, agreement or understanding to which CLIENT is a party.